Magnetic Readers
Revolutionizing the eyewear market are the Clic® reading glasses. Helping those who use readers only occasionally or occupationally, and then keep forgetting where they have placed them. Clic® Readers are the latest in a series of designer eyewear. With an adjustable head-strap and a bridge held together by a magnet, Clic provides the most comfortable fit and the most elegant solution for misplaced eyeglasses. Be prepared, you will get lots of comments from people saying “Oh, you just broke your glasses” as you take them off. Show off the clic magnetic front, and see your friends worry about broken eyeglasses turn into a “Oh, that is so cool! Where did you get those?”
Below we have listed the models and colors we stock. Please specify the strength needed. We are able to order any Clic® product and will happy to do so upon request.
Expandable XXL Readers Feature:
Euro Readers Feature:
All CliC® Readers Feature: